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Showing posts from April, 2022


REFLECTION: I am stuck again. I am having a hard time breaking out of wanting to use my images so literally. I love my surrealist aesthetic that I have been creating in all of the rest of my pieces but find myself keeping getting stuck. I think I may just been in need of a break to come back with fresh eyes. 😕


 Here are a few of the pieces I have made since my previous updates I would say they are still a work in progress and need a few tweaks BUT WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS FOLKS !!! 😎


  Found a parent targeted powerpoint about nurturing.  I may not be a parent yet but there are definitely some really cool exercises in this powerpoint that give insight into the nurturing role of parents and even includes some activities created to promote personal healing necessary due to a lack of nurturing from our own parents as well. I am going to try out these activities myself and get back to yall about it!


 REFLECTION: Im finding myself back at square 1. I have been getting guidance from one of my favorite professors and she suggests that my lack of productivity may be coming from being too much in control of what I want to say instead of allowing myself the space and time to get a feel for what I am creating. I think I am just scared that what if what I am creating is not cohesive and clear. Lets see what happens....I guess 😣


  My first piece! 😄    REFLECTION: I am super excited! I was stuck in my head trying to figure out what to do. I have been in such a space of not creating anything for so long that trying to get back in my creative space has been hard. I don't know if it has been due to lack of inspiration or just genuinely being tired that has been the hold up but lets hope I can keep up the momentum!






 After going through some old family photos I started to note a pattern amongst the young girls and women photographed. They were almost all holding a baby doll, holding a real baby (a younger relative/or their child), or keeping a watchful eye on those they were photographed with. This got me thinking...👀  nurturing seems to be innate....something that we women have had since we were little girls. Lets look at the psychology on it...